A pair of exceptional, upholstered high scroll-backed, walnut side chairs from the William and Mary period with accompanying foot stool.
The chairs are mounted on ‘Braganza’ feet’ with moulded curving stretchers and inverted cup turnings to the front legs. The back rails have labels from ‘Phillips of Hitchin Ltd’ with overlaid perspex for protection.
They are in remarkable condition, only having signs of historic wear and tear. There is some evidence of historic beetle attack but it is not active. The show wood has a wonderful patina which appears to be period.
They are extravagantly upholstered with horse hair, linen webbing and cut silk velvet fabric from Watts and Co at £400 per metre. The trim is supplied by Houles.
The stool, whilst evidently living a different life, is contemporary with the chairs. It has finely-carved rails converging to the centre with scalloped feet and topped with an octagonal finial. The underside of the rails show all of the original tooling marks which have softened beautifully with age.
Upholstered with the same materials as the pair of chairs, all three objects have been owned and used as a set for many years. Like the chairs, the stool has a wonderful depth of colour and associated patina for a stool of this age.